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Why I like it

I was born with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or (ADHD) there are three types of ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Presentation which makes it hard for the individual to organize, finish tasks and pay attention, and Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation which makes the individual very energetic as they find it hard to stay still while also talking a lot, the third is Combined Presentation which is a combination of the two, this may vary with the Symptoms, I was born with Combined Presentation and woodwork allowed me to feel like I didn't need to try and hide my ADHD and instead do something I liked.

Why do we need hobbies or interests?

Hobbies or interests in my opinion allow people to be them selves and they don't need to hide anything, they don't like other people to see it helps people to relieve stress and anxiety.

What do you need for this particular interest?

Woodwork is a very tool based hobbie there are a large veriaty of tools that will be needed fo this but it is also very easy to do wood sculpting and molding with two tools a hammer and chisel these can produce infanent veriatys of scultures but using a hammer and chisel is not the easyest thing and can be dangorus as the chisel need to be very sharp to cut through the wood but is a good way to start.

joints that can be used

there are 16 types of joint over all whitch include the Butt Joint, Miter joint, Dado Joint, Lap Joint, Bridle Joint etc these are five of the sixteen joints that will be discused due to how commen they are and how easy they are to make.

Butt joint

The butt joint is the easyest joint to make but doesnt look good, to make this joint you glue the two ends or butts for the wood together.

Miter joint

The miter joint is very simmiler to the butt joint because the ends are glued or nailed together but they are cut at a 45 degree angle to make the joint look more flush.

Dado joint

A dado joint is a very common type of joint used for furniture and cabinet making. It’s also called a tench joint or a housing joint. it is made by cutting down the face of the grain and making it just big enough to fit another pice of wood into the cut

Lap joint

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